Last Updated on 2023-09-30.
MS Visual Studio 2022 (currently v17.4), e.g. within a simple C# .NET console app, becomes nearly unresponsive, taking multiple seconds while typing a few characters into the editor.
- Watch the current background tasks VS is running at the moment (bottom left), and make sure every task finishes within a few seconds.
- If you experience e.g. a very long indexing of project files, this could be suspicious.
- Reset VS settings to default:
- devenv /ResetSettings
- devenv /ResetUserData
- Delete .vs subfolder of your project
- Disable project cache:
- Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Preview Features -> Use the project cache …
This should improve the editor’s AutoComplete feature a lot.
If not, have a look at the references, there are a few additional option tweaks which might be helpful.
