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Protect WordPress admin area

It may be useful to block the WordPress admin area access from all IPs, except a few ones. Have a look at this site. It shows how you can easily modify the .htaccess files to limit the access to wp-admin/ and wp-login.php to your IPs or hosts....

XP Embedded: Save changes

Just started the pre-installed XP Embedded on a machine and tried to change a text file. It seems like the changes are saved to the file, but when you reboot, the changes are gone. Solution: After changing, run “EWFMGR C: -COMMIT”, e.g. in command line...

Android: Screen dims and gets blank during a call

By default, the screen and energy settings in Android don’t take effect during a call. The screen always dims after a few seconds and then stays blank, no matter how you configured it in the settings. With “normal” phones this feature may be okay,...