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Solving Win32Exception: Error creating window handle

These exceptions are hardly reproducable if they only appear at the customer’s workstation who cannot explain exactly what they did to get this message – and if it is quite a large project. Long story short – Don’t forget to dispose controls...

Detecting if the OS architecture fits to your software

Scenario: Basically, most developers publish their projects separately for x86 and x64 platforms. This can lead to problems if the user installs the x86 version on an x64 OS; the software might not work because of driver problems, wrong 3rd party DLL references with...

Start Windows service automatically after installing product

In your installer class of the service itself, use the event AfterInstall to start the service. After setup has finished, the service will start. public ProjectInstaller() { InitializeComponent(); AfterInstall += new InstallEventHandler(ProjectInstaller_AfterInstall);...