by ds | Sep 25, 2014 | MySQL, PHP
Scenario You have to move a MySQL database table to another database, but you have many other tables, functions, routines, events etc. which access it. Before moving it, it is not enough to find only the tables containing foreign keys, but also find functions etc....
by ds | Jul 28, 2014 | MySQL, PHP
Problem Framework CakePHP sets strings to null which are loaded from database tables and contain special characters like German Umlaute. Solution In app/Config/database.php, add to your config array: ‘encoding’ => ‘utf8’ Example: public...
by ds | Jun 27, 2012 | C# .Net, MySQL
This exception is thrown e.g. using the following code in C# .Net 2010: MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("insert into common_history(datetime, username, text) values (@datetime, @username, @text)", adapter.UpdateCommand.Connection);...
by ds | Jun 13, 2012 | MySQL
'MySQL Backup Script 'run with "cscript mysql_backup.vbs" 'Configuration server = "www" user = "backup" pw = "BackupPW" mysql = "mysql.exe" mysqldump = "mysqldump.exe" backupdir = "e:mysqlbackupwww"...
by ds | Jun 13, 2012 | MySQL
MySQLDump doesn’t create a full backup of a whole database by default. If you use MySQL triggers, views, events etc., they are not dumped. Use these parameters for including everything: mysqldump –routines=true –triggers=true –events=true -u...