by admin | Aug 7, 2017 | Administration, C# .Net, Software
[:en]Just re-published an older project on Github. UPS Battery Service runs a Windows service which watches local battery events, which are then logged in local and/or Event Log where you can further proceed with custom actions, like informational emails, shutdowns...
by admin | Apr 20, 2017 | Administration, PHP, Software
[:en]Spark Messenger is a great open source messenger for internal and external usage, in combination with OpenFire Server. Because the integrated smileys and icons seem a bit outdated, I created an IconSet generator which uses the much more beautiful emoticons from...
by admin | Mar 16, 2017 | Administration, PHP, Software
[:de]Magento bietet standardmäßig keine komfortable Möglichkeit Dokumente für Produkte, wie z.B. PDF-Anleitungen per Browser hochzuladen. Abhilfe schafft diese Extension (alternativ direkt vom Hersteller). Installation Download des .gz-File Über den Magentoconnect...
by admin | Nov 28, 2016 | Android, Home Automation, Software
[:en]Today we released DXSdata Intercom Doorbell v2.0 for Android. Main changes: Video and Audio stream support Several bugfixes Alternative video renderer option Layout optimization Notifications Get it![:]
by admin | Oct 24, 2016 | Administration, C# .Net, Software
[:en]Scenario You have a custom application which you want to handle certain URI links, like “tel”, “mailto”, “xmpp” etc. In Windows 7 and below, this could be done with a single registry key, but starting from Win8 this became a...
by admin | Jun 8, 2016 | Administration, Software
[:en]Some keywords appearing in Windows Event Log: LogTransport2.exe Event 1000 1001 Application / BEX / MSVCR110.dll You might see this error when closing Adobe Acrobat DC. Solution/workaround LogTransport2.exe is used by Adobe Reader (or Acrobat Reader DC) to...