by ds | Feb 19, 2014 | Hardware, Software
RGB LED string Assuming you have a ready-to-run Raspberry Pi station with OpenElec installed, you first need the RGB lights which will be connected to your Pi. I can e.g. recommend 50 pieces of WS2801, they can be found on ebay and other stores and they are quite...
by ds | Oct 28, 2013 | Software
Problem You have to wait for ~10 – 15 sec if you watch a TV recording, e.g. from a MediaPortal server in your network, the channel’s resolution is 1080p and you press fast-forward or rewind. It works without problems with 720p or lower resolutions. You...
by ds | Aug 14, 2013 | Software
I noticed a problem with a newly configured ZBox ID41 in combination with a Zotac remote control (which was not included in the original package) and OpenElec 3.0/3.1. The remote basically worked, but it did not recognize some buttons like the green MCE button, even...
by ds | Jun 23, 2013 | Software
I had some problems with the combination of live TV and “long” standby time (more than 90 seconds): I am using 2 Zotac Zboxes (AD10 with Fusion image, another different Zbox model with ION image) as clients and MediPortal as TV server. I use the latest...
by ds | Jun 22, 2013 | Software
Via command-line Follow this tutorial to prepare the USB stick with diskpart. Via GUI wizard If you don’t always want to remember and enter the same commands, look at this software. It provides a simple, but effective GUI to create bootable USB sticks from ISO...
by ds | Jun 17, 2013 | Software
As I wrote in a previous post, I first tried to assemble a useful centralized multimedia system in my home with free tools like MediaPortal, Openelec / XBMC etc. – but it didn’t work (various hangups, SMB problems, standby problems …). So I decided...